We have listed a few things which make you more attractive that have absolutely nothing to do with appearances and looks.
Being kind to yourself and the environment around you makes a big difference in the way the world perceives you.
Be the positive person in the room, but don’t fake it… positivity can be sensed and people will see you are not being genuine. When something big happens, try to take it chill and think about the positive of that situation.
Sense of humour
Many studies show that sense of humour is the sexiest thing one can own. Have a good sense of humour towards yourself and situations you face in life. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Have you ever heard someone talk about something they are passionate about? Well, being passionate and showing it to the world makes you really attractive. Listening to someone talk about their passions can motivate you and make you feel like you’re ready for more.
In todays world everyone is so busy doing their own things, the last thing someone needs in their life is drama. Be unproblematic and easy going. Also remember, communicate positively with other people. Gossiping in some circumstances can be ok, but if you gossip negatively, that is big no, no. Gossiping negatively about someone gives a bad image of yourself, and might give the other person reasons for not trusting you.
Confidence and self awareness
Be confident and comfortable in your own skin. Be self aware of what is good for you and what makes you feel happy and good. Carry yourself proudly.